Sunday, 10 September 2017

 This year's competition is officially over!

Winners were announced yesterday at the Balcombe Gardners' Association Autumn show. 

We had a great afternoon, the show was amazing as usual and thank you to everyone who popped over to our little stand and said hi, was great to meet you all. 

We had some very impressive entries;

First Prize went to a family team, who grew a sunflower measuring a staggering 340cm!

In Second, another giant at 294cm.

And Third Prize was won by a very respectable 292cm.

We awarded a 'Nicest Flower' prize, and also gave out a couple of 'Great Growing' Awards, for two entries we thought had done really well this year.

At 284cm, one of those just missed out on the top three, but did win the Gardeners' Association Richard Garman Cup, for the tallest sunflower grown by a child.

Well done everyone, and thanks for taking part!

Hope to see you all again next year.

Balcombe Sunflower Competition.

Monday, 4 September 2017

The Final Countdown!

We're in the final week of the competition and our sunflowers have come out to celebrate!

We hope you've all enjoyed taking part, it's been great seeing everyone's sunflowers and competition has been fierce!

If you haven't already, please send us a photo and let us know how tall your entry is.

We'll be announcing the winners at the Balcombe Gardener's Association Autumn show on 9th Sept - if you haven't been before this is well worth a look, details on the village website.